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Promotion and Retention Guidelines

Grades 9 through 12

To be classified as a 10th grade student, the student must have 5 Carnegie units (Must include 1 math and 1 English unit).

To be classified as an 11th grade student, the student must have 11 Carnegie units (Must include 2 math, 2 English, and 1 science unit).

To be classified as a 12th grade student, the student must have 17 Carnegie units (Must include 3 math, 3 English, 2 science, and 1 social studies units).

To graduate, students must have a minimum of 23 Carnegie units (Must include 4 math, 4 English, 4 science, and 3 social studies units).


*The principal has final responsibility for the promotion, retention, and/or placement of all students except for students in special education whose placement must be determined in accordance with the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). There shall be no appeal of promotion, retention and/or placement decisions beyond the school  level.